About Us

About Us

We  are so pleased to have you visit our site and to share the Bible with you!

The Church is the Lord's body. We as individuals make up that body, 1 Cor. 12:27.  Our sole purpose, as a group, is to serve our Lord Jesus the way he has commanded. We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. No man or angel has a right to preach or teach anything else, but what God has already established, Galatians 1:6-10. The church was not established until after Christ's death, Matt. 16:18. It started on the day of Pentacost, continued through the book of Acts, and continues today. At Green's Chapel we strive to be like the group depicted in the first century church, nothing more and nothing less.

HISTORY of the group:

The exact establishment of a group meeting where the Green's Chapel church meets today is unknown. However, in Authentic Civil War Battle Sites and Naval Engagements, a skirmish between the two sides was said to have taken place at Green's Chapel in this very area Dec. 25,1862.

At its beginning, the building site was used as a Union Church (different faith groups). On Oct. 10th, 1865, the first Green's Chapel record book records the group making the decision to do away with the different faith practices and be one united people. They stated, "Upon the Bible as our only rule of faith and practice for Christians in this life."

On May 14th, 1878, the term Church of Christ appeared on the deed to the property.

The name Green's Chapel comes from the original land owner W. S. Green. This name obviously has stuck as it gives the place where Christians meet even still today. 

The current building has stood since 1915. It was one of the first in this area with an inside baptistry. Since then, it has gone through many different renovations to meet county codes and the changing needs of the congregation including digging a basement for classrooms.

Many different Gospel preachers have worked with this congregation over the years. It continues to exist today under the direction of the local eldership.