Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings

July 6th-11th services nightly at 7 P.M. Ron Daly will be speaking.

Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/11/16 The Church That God Uses Phil Arnold Gospel Meeting 2016 Gospel Meeting That_Church_That_God_Uses.MP3
07/10/16 A Hospital For The Wounded Phil Arnold Gospel Meeting 2016 Gospel Meeting A_Hospital_for_the_Wounded.MP3
07/10/16 Pulling Down Strong Holds Phil Arnold Gospel Meeting 2016 Sun AM Pulling_Down_Strong_Holds.MP3
07/17/15 How the Holy Spirit Changes People pt.2 Raymond Castillo Holy Spirit Gospel Meeting How_the_H_S_Changes_People__Pt.2mp3cut.net.MP3
07/17/15 How the Holy Spirit Changes People pt.1 Raymond Castillo Holy Spirit Gospel Meeting How_the_H_S_Changes_People__Pt.1mp3cut.net.MP3
07/16/15 Comfort of the Holy Spirit Raymond Castillo Holy Spirit Gospel Meeting Comfort_of_the_Holy_Spirit_mp3cut.net.MP3 right_one_mp3cut.net.MP3
07/15/15 Classifications of the work of the Holy Spirit pt.2 Raymond Castillo Holy Spirit Gospel Meeting Classifications_pt.2_mp3cut.net.MP3
07/15/15 Classifications of the Work of the Holy Spirit Raymond Castillo Holy Spirit Gospel Meeting Classifications_pt.1mp3cut.net.MP3
07/14/15 Chronological Work of the Holy Spirit Raymond Castillo Holy Spirit Gospel Meeting Chronological_work_of_the_HS_mp3cut.net.MP3
07/13/15 Personality of the Holy Spirit Raymond Castillo Holy Spirit Gospel Meeting Personality_of_the_Holy_Spirit_mp3cut.net.MP3
07/12/15 Hypocrisy Raymond Castillo N/A Gospel Meeting
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